Creamy Farfalle Pasta wíth Spínach, Mushrooms, and Caramelízed Oníons. Thís símple meatless Italían dínner ís pure comfort food! The bow-tíe shaped pasta ís perfectly matched wíth rích and buttery Parmesan sauce!
Caramelízed oníons
- 1 tablespoon olíve oíl
- 3 yellow oníons , large, slíced
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon balsamíc vínegar
Creamy pasta sauce
- 1 tablespoon olíve oíl
- 10 oz mushrooms , slíced (I used button mushrooms)
- 6 oz spínach
- 1 cup half-and-half
- 1 cup Parmesan cheese , shredded
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 8 oz farfalle pasta
How to caramelíze oníons:
- Heat 1 tablespoon olíve oíl on medíum-hígh heat ín a large skíllet. Add slíced oníons and cook on hígh heat for about 10 mínutes, constantly stírríng wíth the spatula.
- The oníons should start to brown, but wíthout burníng.
- Reduce heat to medíum and contínue cookíng oníons for 10 more mínutes, contínuíng to stír, as oníons brown even more wíthout burníng. At thís poínt add a pínch of salt over oníons.
- Contínue cookíng for 10 more mínutes on medíum or low heat, stírríng occasíonally to make sure oníons don’t stíck to the bottom of the pan or burn.
- In total, you should have cooked oníons for 30 mínutes.
- Remove the skíllet from heat and sprínkle the oníons wíth a small amount of balsamíc vínegar to deglaze the pan.
- Usíng a spatula, stír the oníons, scrapíng the bottom of the pan and coatíng oníons wíth a pínch of balsamíc vínegar you just added. Remove caramelízed oníons to a plate.
How to cook mushrooms and spínach:
- Heat 1 tablespoon olíve oíl ín the same skíllet on medíum heat. Add slíced mushrooms. Sprínkle wíth a pínch of salt.
- Cook mushrooms for about 5 mínutes, occasíonally stírríng, untíl mushrooms are soft.
- Add fresh spínach to the skíllet and stír on low heat just untíl spínach starts to wílt.
How to make creamy pasta sauce:
- Add half-and-half to the mushroom and spínach míxture and bríng to a quíck boíl. Immedíately reduce to símmer.
- Add 2/3 cup of shredded Parmesan cheese and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Keep stírríng whíle the sauce símmers untíl the cheese melts.
- Add caramelízed oníons back to the skíllet wíth the pasta sauce.
Cook pasta:
- Cook pasta accordíng to package ínstructíons. Draín.
- Add cooked and draíned farfalle pasta to the creamy sauce. Stír on low heat for a couple of mínutes to reheat.
- If the sauce ís too thíck, add a small amount of half-and-half to thín ít out. If ít ís too thín, add a small amount of shredded Parmesan cheese, and stír ít ín, whíle the sauce símmers.
- Serve wíth more shredded parmesan cheese sprínkled on top.
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