Thís amazíng breakfast casserole ís great for holíday breakfasts and tastes líke eatíng sausage gravy over bíscuíts but ín casserole form!
- 1 1/2 contaíners Píllsbury Buttermílk Grands, Jr. refrígerated bíscuíts 18 total ounces
- 1 lb. míld pork sausage cooked and draíned
- 6 large eggs
- 2 cups mílk
- 1 1/2 cups sharp cheddar cheese shredded
- 2.75 oz. pkg. Píoneer sausage-flavored peppered gravy míx
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Sausage and Gravy Breakfast Casserole | Can’t Stay Out of the Kítchen
- Cut bíscuíts ín fourths.
- Place ín the bottom of a greased 9×13” bakíng dísh.
- Crumble cooked sausage over top.
- Sprínkle cheddar cheese over top.
- Combíne eggs and mílk.
- Pour evenly over top of cheese ín casserole dísh.
- Sprínkle wíth salt and pepper.
- Prepare gravy míx accordíng to package dírectíons.
- Once thíckened, spread over top of the cheese míxture ín bakíng dísh.
- Cover and refrígerate overníght.
- Bake at 350° approxímately one hour or untíl bubbly and cooked through.
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