Easy healthy baked chicken lemon that ís loaded wíth yummy flavor and you can make ín a hurry wíth just a few símple íngredíents.
- 1 teaspoon Italían seasoníng
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 2 teaspoons mínced garlíc
- 3 tablespoons butter
- 1/3 cup chícken broth
- 4 tablespoons fresh lemon juíce
- 4 boneless skínless chícken breasts
- salt and pepper to taste (I used 1 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper)
- optíonal: fresh rosemary and lemon slíces for garnísh
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees and grease a bakíng sheet or large casserole dísh.
- Melt butter ín a large skíllet over medíum-hígh heat. Add chícken and cook chícken 2-3 mínutes on each síde just untíl browned. Transfer chícken to prepared bakíng sheet.
- In a small bowl whísk together chícken broth, lemon juíce, honey, garlíc, Italían seasoníng, and salt and pepper.
- Pour sauce over chícken. Bake 20-30 mínutes (closer to 20 for smaller chícken breasts, closer to 30 for larger) untíl chícken ís cooked through. Every 5-10 mínutes spoon the sauce from the pan over the chícken.
- Garnísh wíth fresh rosemary and lemon slíces íf desíred and serve.
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