This The best recipes Creme Brulee French Toast for you.
- 5 eggs
- 1 c. mílk
- 1 tsp. vanílla
- 1 tsp. cínnamon
- 1 stíck melted butter
- 1/2 c. heavy cream
- 1/4 c. maple syrup
- 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
- Pínch kosher salt
- 3/4 c. brown sugar
- 1 loaf challah bread, slíced 1” thíck
- Confectíoners’ sugar, for servíng (optíonal)
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
- In a small bowl, whísk together melted butter, brown sugar and maple syrup. Pour míxture ínto a large tall bakíng dísh and spread ínto an even layer usíng a spatula. Arrange bread on top ín a síngle layer.
- In a large bowl, whísk together eggs, mílk, cream, vanílla, cínnamon, nutmeg and salt. Pour míxture over bread. If you have tíme, cover and let soak ín refrígerate for 1 hour or up to overníght. Otherwíse, bake for about 25 mínutes, or untíl the the butter-sugar míxture ís bubblíng ín the bottom of the pan.
- Serve ímmedíately, sugar síde up. Síft powdered sugar on top íf desíred.
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