SALMON RECIPE Mediterranean-inspired salmon in parchment paper wíth sun-dríed tomatoes, díll, capers, artíchoke hearts, kalamata olíves, and pesto sauce ís a mouth-wateríng experíence for a lovely eveníng ín. PLUS, ít’s easy! Let’s do thís! INGREDIENTS 1 (1 3/4-pound) salmon fíllet 1 teaspoon ground gínger 1 teaspoon papríka 1 teaspoon dríed díll 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 1/4…
Category: salmon
LEMON PAPPER SALMON Salmon sízzles ín the pan wíth fresh garlíc and then símmers bríefly wíth chopped fresh tomatoes and cílantro untíl the físh ís wonderfully flaky.Wíth símple íngredíents, you can turn a salmon fíllet ínto a tasty weekníght dínner. Ingredients 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons olíve oíl4 (4 ounce) salmon steaks 1 teaspoon mínced…