Keto Bíg Mac Salad | Low Carb Hamburger Salad This easy low carb Keto Big Mac salad recipe is ready in just 20 minutes! Ingredíents Bíg Mac Sauce 1 tablespoon Whíte Vínegar  1 tablespoon fínely mínced oníon 2 teaspoons Swerve 2 tbsp díced hamburger píckles 4 tsp mustard 1/2 teaspoon Smoked Papríka  3/4 cup Mayonnaíse Salad…

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How do you burn the unhealthy visceral fat?

That sports and exercise help with weight loss , most people know that. Eating less than eating your energy needs also helps. But many people do not know that specifically to burn the unhealthy visceral fat, exercise and moderate intensive exercise is most likely much more effective than dieting. Read here what the best approach…

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Banana bread with blue berries

Bananas and athletes go well together. Eating only bananas is only boring at last. Fortunately, this fruit is also ideal for baking. Today I share my favorite recipe for banana bread. Nice before or after a training and actually always suitable as a snack. Necessities MixerSpatulaOvenBlenderCake tin Ingredients 130 grams of spelled flour100 grams self-raising…

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Sweet potato with beef sausage

A tasty and healthy meal on the table within ten minutes. Is that possible? Yes! Make this simple sweet potato recipe with spinach and sausage yourself. Necessities MicrowaveBaking panFoil Ingredients 2 sweet potatoes400 gr fresh leaf spinach2 tablespoons crème fraîche2 beef sausages25 grams of feta Preparation method Microwave: Place the sweet potato in the microwave…

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Pumpkin Sweet Potato Frittata

Pumpkin Sweet Potato Frittata

Fancy winter comfort food? Then try this frittata! It is a special taste combination because sweet and savory ingredients are combined. In addition, the season of the pumpkin starts. An ideal vegetable that is incredibly versatile. Pumpkin is healthy and low in calories. One piece of these frittata contains only 149 kcal. Necessities Oven Fittings…

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